April 23, 2012

Christmas 2011

Maybe I'll just set aside lofty aspirations of writing for the moment.  Or the next several years, anyway.  I'd be doing great if I could just post some current pictures every now and then!  I don't think I've posted any pictures of my little Charli's angel since she was born, so I'll back up 'til Christmas and try and catch up!!

Ring those bells, Bud!!  

That's my little Lamb!!

She finally lost her first tooth!

Augh, LOVE 'EM!!!  (Even more than they love those Christmas jammies, which is hard to imagine.)

First Christmas:)

We debated long and hard about where to find the best sledding hill.  And then we decided the street right in front of our house would work just fine!  The dumping we got just as my family was coming into town made for great sledding weather with the the uncles.

Just because I forced my almost two year old to sled, when she was convinced she wanted no part in that, does not make me a parent.  Really.  I was trying to teach her to find the fun in life! 

Pretty much, forget having the "perfect picture" with 4 little kids.  At least the perfect "posed" picture.  Because this one is pretty much perfect in the sense that it did a pretty good job of capturing personalities of each one of them.

She's not convinced if his motives are really to help her get into her present, or if he just wants to play himself.

Probably my favorite picture from this Christmas.

What this boy doesn't realize is that he is opening the gift that will change is life.  PGA Tour, get ready!

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