July 31, 2010

The Skier and the Scaredy-Cat

If you know our family, you may have made guesses as to who's who, but maybe these pictures will tell a different story for you.

Ski?  Why, yes, I would love to try!

Man, this horseshoe ski is sweet.  This is so easy!

No big deal, Friends.  I love this stuff!

My sister sure has some guts.  Look at her go.  I wish I were that brave.

But, alas, this is as good as you're getting from me, folks.  I'd love to ski.  Behind the boat?  Hun-unh.  No way.  Not today.  I just want to "pretend ski."

And if I can ski, why not tube, too?  This stuff is so easy!  I am, after all, "just a little fishy in that water, aren't I, Mama?"

That's right folks!  My timid little princess tried skiing for the first time this weekend!  It was awesome to watch her.  Hubs keeps trying to discredit the whole event by explaining to everyone that he held her up to get started and that all she had to do was stand there.  True enough.  But I am still so proud of her for trying!  I couldn't believe she did it.  She usually doesn't want to try anything new that involves either risk or failure.  If she's not confident that she will nail it on the first try, forget about it.  And, to make me eat my words, she fell off the first time and got right up and did it again!

Noah on the other hand was having none of it.  He was content to play with the ski and run around with it as long as the water was only a foot deep.  Behind the boat, yeah, right.  

Do you think I was smart enough to video any of this monumental event?  Nope.  Didn't even occur to me.  And while Sophia will tell you that was her favorite part about being at the lake this weekend, I absolutely could not coax her back on the ski to get some video footage.  Oh well, something to shoot for quite literally - pun fully intended!


Heidi said...

way to go sophia!

great pics!

eb said...

Seriously, I am so impressed. Can she pass some of that fearlessness on to Will?

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