You all know by now that the newest thing in Sophia's life is Tball. I have yet to get my act together and get some pictures, but I will try and remember to do so this week. Sophia had her first "game" this week, and Tim and I had been baffled at how they were going to organize the chaos into anything resembling a "game," but clearly the Parks and Rec department is far smarter than us, and managed to do so very well. Sophia has also recently graduated from preschool, which is particularly hilarious considering I have paid her preschool deposit at the SAME preschool for next year! She is very much enjoying being a big sister x2, and is always thrilled to help with Phoebe. These days, you can frequently find her helping water our gardens, riding her bike, "reading," or playing with babies of some kind.
Noah is busy being Noah. He is a boy, through and through, and this means his time is filled with cars, trucks, baseball, and wrecking things. He has entered a new destructive phase that is promising to make me CRAZY!!! One day this week, he knocked over all of Sophia's bath cups full of water while the kids were showering, just for fun, through her stuffed "Pups" in the pool, just for fun, overflowed his cup of water at dinner with another cup of water, just for fun. You get the idea. I would love to know what goes on in that little mind of his.
Easter morning.
Tim puts Noah up here and calls it his "home".
Noah Riding his car in the sandbox.
Phoebe is busy growing, growing, growing. She is getting so big, in spite of my frequent attempts to freeze time and slow her down. She smiles all the time, and is beginning to find her voice. She's frequently telling us all about her days and has even begun to laugh a little. She is also perplexing us. It appears she is attempting to rival Houdini with her escape skills, and we can not keep her swaddled to save our lives, and yet, she has a very hard time sleeping for long if she is not wrapped up like the tightest little baby burrito you have ever seen.
Easter morning.
4/23. 2 Months.
5/23. 3 Months.
5/31. First time in the Bumbo.
Meet Phoebe. She really is this happy. Almost all the time!
Tim and Amy
The most exciting thing I have to report for us is the addition of our new Square Foot Gardens this year. (Okay, maybe not the most exciting, but it's the only thing for which I have pictures to share.) Actually, though, I am pretty excited about these gardens. I learned about this method of gardening last summer, and wanted to plant some then, but we didn't know if we would be moving. So this is our first attempt, and I have to admit that one of my favorite things is to check and water them daily. I can't wait to harvest them!
Sophia planting some broccoli.
Noah taking his turn planting.
One of our three Square Foot Gardens.
Some friends of ours tipped us off that there was a Fire Truck Expo in downtown Littleton today, so while Tim was out playing baseball, I headed over to the local community college to check it out with the kids. Turned out to be well worth our time. Here are some pics from the day, as an added bonus just for fun!
One of many really old fire trucks
Marveling how tall the ladders are. Do you see the water falling from under the one in the middle?
Checking out a Flight for Life helicopter.
Spraying the hoses.