October 16, 2007

Harvest Festival

Practically right across the street from us, there is a local Historical Museum. This is really one of our favorite places to hang out during the week because it's just a short walk and Sophia loves all the animals they have there. There are actually two working farms on the property, one from the 1860's time period, and one much more modern farm from the 1890's! They have several cows, sheep, pigs, donkeys, chickens, cats, and even a few peacocks. Incidentally, if you've ever heard peacocks, they can be VERY loud, and Sophia frequently hears them at our house and always wants to drop everything to go see the peacocks.

Anyway, we try to go there as often as we have time for, and we have now made it a tradition to be there for their annual harvest festival. Last year was my first year with Sophia, but this year we convinced Tim and Noah to brave the crowd and come with us. It turned out to be well worth our time. The event itself is free, but then you can buy all sorts of jams and food and of course pumpkins!!! They have cider and wagon rides and all kinds of pioneer games. This year they had a mini-corn maze, which was a HUGE hit with Sophia. She would have wondered through it nearly all day if we would have let her.

And certainly the day wouldn't be complete without some pumpkin pictures! It was so funny to observe other families and moms trying to get their perfect family photos. After watching one particular family, I couldn't help but laugh. There were a couple of kids, but you couldn't help hearing the 5-ish year old girl saying, "Mommy, I don't want to sit there. It hurts. Mommy, it hurts!" To which the mom responded, "Sit down! It doesn't hurt that bad! Let me take the picture!!" I am sure she was a very good mom, but the whole thing was much more comical to watch from the outside, and you just wonder if the Mom realized how irrational she sounded. Sometimes ya just have to ask yourself, "Is the picture really worth the trouble?"

Well, for us, it certainly was! The kids, fortunately, were VERY cooperative, and we got some great shots from the day, so I couldn't resist sharing them with whoever might check for them! Noah, in particular, seemed to think this day was made as his own personal photo shoot! He couldn't stop laughing and smiling! It turned out to be lots of fun for all of us.

Sophia picking her own personal pumpkin. She was so excited to go get pumpkins that day.

A glimpse of what's coming for Halloween...

Who knew that Noah apparently loves pumpkins?

My personal bias is that these could definitely be the cutest kids EVER!!! (Incidentally, these were the pumpkins we ended up bringing home.)

Future Nielson Christmas card picture?

Again, Noah's hamming it up for the camera!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Owen selected a dragon for his costume this year. He's already mastered his 'trick' running at full tilt at you yelling "DRAGON's GONNA GET YOU!" while bobbing his head up and down to give the illusion of the dragon's mouth to open and close...(the costume is hooded)check our blog in a few weeks for the Halloween pics.

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