April 14, 2014

Things That Made Me Smile Today

A routine Monday at home means lots of cleaning and planning/strategizing for the week. It also means lots of time and conversation with the littlest Nielsons. In which they say all kinds of things that make me smile.

In regards to our local historical museum being closed on Monday, my two year old may say:
"Jesus is opening the museum so we can go pet the baby sheep because they are SOOOO cute!!!"

My four year old Sweetest P may demand my attention so I can watch her newest talent:
"MOM, watch me hip-scotch!" (Hop scotch? That looks an awful lot like skipping?) Either way, I may have asked her a dozen times what it was she was doing just so I could hear her say "hip-scotch" one more time!

January 17, 2014

Car Conversations

C: "HONK-shoo, HONK-shoo, HONK-shoo." (Great snoring impressions for a just two year old, I might add. I wish you had the audio…)

Mom: "Oh, are you taking a nice little rest until we get home?"

C: "No. I honk-shooing."

P: "Oh, I thought you were snore-shooing."

January 14, 2014

"On a Line"

A conversation with my 8 year old in the car on the way home might go something like this.

I was explaining to her how my school, a Montessori school, works, and what the environment is like. I was telling her that very rarely are all the kids in the classroom doing exactly the same thing at the same time.

She asks, "So if it were a line, like 10-1, what would it be?"

I missed the "line" part of the question, and am thinking she means something about time, from 10am to 1 pm. But I'm still lost, so I dig deeper to understand her question.

"You know, if it were a line. Like 10-1, would it be like a 9?"

I hear the line part of the question this time. And her example- a 9. And it all makes sense. She's asking, in her 8 year old way, if it were a 1-10 scale, would it be at a 9 (with all the kids doing different things)?

Love the way her mind works!
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