For those of you who tune into this blog for updates on our family, kids, and current pictures, let me first apologize and “redefine normal” for you. Initially when I started this blog nearly two years ago, the intent was for me to keep all of you out of town friends and family current on our family. It was mostly a place to put brief glimpses of what we were up to, with as many pics as were pertinent. And now, after two years, I have learned several things. #1) I’m not so great at keeping this as updated as I had once envisioned. #2) I have very few hobbies of my own these days. #3) I miss writing. #4) Why not solve all of these problems in one fell swoop? I have consciously decided to be more proactive about spending some time on hobbies of my own, rather than bemoaning that Tim gets to have all the fun! Writing is fun for me, a creative outlet, and it’s FREE!! That said, I know several people who maintain multiple blogs simultaneously. Who’s kidding whom? I’m starting with baby steps. I can hardly keep this one up to date, so rather than dive in over my head, I’m adding my ramblings into our family updates. Really, they do all blend together anyway. My ramblings are usually relative to what our family is experiencing. And not that I really think there is a world out there dying to know what is happening in my head. I’m not that delusional. I know this is more for me than for any of you out there. So for those of you who were hoping only for current pictures of the Nielson family, filter through my mumbo jumboed attempts at mental clarity and know that pictures will still be here!
We all know by now that there really is no such thing as “normal.” What’s “normal” for me is not necessarily so for you. And once we do think we’ve discovered “normal”, it changes anyway. That’s what we’ve discovered in the Nielson house over the last year, anyway. It feels like a long time since we’ve had “normal.” That picture of routine was disrupted last October when we found that our days at Mission Hills were numbered. So we’ve been living the last 7 months knowing that “normal” would be changing for us at any given point in time.
Prior to that point, normal for us looked a bit like this: we’d have family breakfast together, frequently preceded by some form of working out for either Tim or me, then Tim would head off to work and the kids and I would get ready for either a day of play or a day of running errands. More often than not, Tim would be home by dinnertime, and then we’d either have family time at home, or head out for whatever event was scheduled that night. Seeing as how Tim works with high schoolers, that would frequently involve people nearly half our age (or “Daddy’s other kids,” as Sophia calls them).
Right now, that normal has changed quite a bit. It looks more like this: an approximately 6:30 wake up and kiss for Tim and I, proclamations of “I love you,” followed closely with the question, “What do you want to do today?” And then we discuss what’s on the agenda, IS there an agenda for the day, and what all can we pack into this agenda of play for one day?
I am not sure how long Tim will be content with this shape of normal, but we’re taking advantage of it while it lasts! It is so great to be uninhibited by a schedule, by time constraints, vacation days, and not enough hours in the day or week. When I first suggested to Tim that we take some time off between jobs, I think he thought I was crazy. And when I said a minimum of four weeks, I think he thought I had truly lost my mind. I could see him processing: how can I talk her down to three?
And then I started thinking of all the things I wanted to get done in those 4 weeks. I very quickly realized four weeks was not going to be enough. So once Tim adjusted to that idea, I started stretching him to see that four weeks simply wasn’t enough; 6 was my new minimum. I think it’s helped that Tim hasn’t had an official offer yet (and therefore hasn’t had to extend any kind of start date as of yet). Otherwise he might be trying to bargain with me more.
We’re only one week into this new kind of “normal,” but so far, it’s been fabulous! We’ve had time to play, time to reconnect, time to do the things we love, time to spend as a family, time to spend with friends, and even time for a little bit of side work to keep some money coming in. I could get used to this new kind of normal very quickly!
We’ll see how Tim feels about it in another couple of weeks! And really, I think that by the time six weeks are up, we’ll all be ready for yet another new kind of normal. But for now, we’re taking advantage of what we have and trying to savor every moment!
Swinging over the water on the rope swing
One VERY tired boy!! (Notice we are not getting very far in our "Project Stop Thumb Sucking" with this one...)
Enjoying s'mores by the campfire in her new "dragonfly horsie" camping chair
She definitely thought this swing was the best part of the lake
Ready to ski